German Federal Constitutional Court, Karlsruhe


1 BvR 209/83 et al., Census Act 1983 partially unconstitutional

5 HRLJ 94 (1984)


1 BvR 1087/91, Affixation of a cross or crucifix in the classrooms of a State compulsory school that is not a denominational school infringes fundamental rights

17 HRLJ 458 (1996)


1 BvR 1476/91 et al., Protection of honour in collective value-judgments about soldiers

17 HRLJ 140 (1996)


2 BvR 1851/94 et al., Albrecht, Keßler and Streletz, Individual responsibility and liability to punishment for killing fugitives at the inner-German frontier / Condemnation of individuals in a position of authority as indirect perpetrators of homicide (former members of the National Defence Council of the German Democratic Republic) no violation of the ban on retroactivity / Condemnation of a member of the National Peoples’ Army who killed an unarmed fugitive by sustained fire no violation of the principle of guilt

18 HRLJ 65 (1997)


2 BvL 1/97, Loyalty to the European legal order / Fundamental rights protection by standard setting case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities / Common organisation of the market in bananas

21 HRLJ 251 (2000)


2 BvR 1481/04, Görgülü case, Binding effect of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights / Ambivalent interpretation of the ambit of treaty obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights / Restrictive conceptions and affirmative elements

25 HRLJ 99 (2004)


2 BvR 2661/06, Honeywell case, Criteria regarding ultra vires review vis-à-vis the ECJ in Luxembourg / Employer’s constitutional complaint rejected / Federal Labour Court follows the ECJ judgment in Mangold / Constitutional Court affirms inapplicability of a fixed-term contract concluded with an employee aged over 52

31 HRLJ 454 (2011)


2 BvR 2365/09 et al., Law of preventive detention de lege lata incompatible with the Basic Law / Legislative reform required before 31 May 2013 / Legal significance of a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (case of M v. Germany, 17 December 2009) for the interpretation of the Basic Law

31 HRLJ 468 (2011)


1 BvR 3080/09, Nationwide stadium ban imposed on the complainant by a football club / Obligation to indicate factual reasons in order to satisfy procedural guarantees

38 HRLJ 463 (2018)


2 BvR 1738/12 et al., Ban on strike action for civil servants in accordance with the Basic Law / Interpretation of the independent and traditional principle of the career civil service system (Berufsbeamtentum) within the meaning of Article 33(5) of the Basic Law / Relevance of the ECtHR case-law confirmed / Conflict between German law and Article 11 ECHR denied

38 HRLJ 452 (2018)


2 BvR 309/15 et al., Physical restraints on patients confined under public law in psychiatric hospitals / Short-term measures (max. 30 minutes) to be distinguished from other restraints constituting deprivation of liberty / Availability of on-call judges (7 days a week from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.) required

39 HRLJ 448 (2019)


1 BvR 2656/18 et al., Climate change – Climate neutrality / Intertemporal guarantees of freedom / Duty to protect life and health / State's obligations regarding future generations

41 HRLJ 299 (2021)


 1 BvR 2649/21, Unsuccessful constitutional complaint challenging the obligation for staff in the health and care sectors to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19

42 HRLJ 325 (2022)